Safety Procedures
Evacuation Procedures
Used in case of a fire or other unsafe building condition, such as a suspicious package or some kind of leak.
- The fire alarm will sound to signal an evacuation drill.
- Students must leave their belongings in classroom, form a single line, remain quiet and MOVE quickly out of the classroom. In cold weather, students should take their coats.
- Teachers bring their red evacuation folders, containing class rosters, Assembly Cards, maps, and other instructions.
- Teachers lock the classrooms and lead students to evacuation locations as identified on the evacuation plan.
- Once outside, each class forms a single line, socially distanced for COVID. Students must keep their masks on at all times.
- Teachers take attendance and account for all students.
In a rapid dismissal drill, follow all of the procedures above, except that students take their belongings with them and are dismissed at the conclusion of the drill.
If a student has any issues, such as trouble locating their teacher or class, they should report to the command center, which is at the fire hydrant across the street from the entrance building entrance.
Lock Down Procedures
The announcement will be made: “Attention, we are in a soft lockdown. Take proper action.” This will be followed by: “This is a drill”; in a real emergency, you will not hear this.
- Teachers check the hallway for any students who need to be brought into the room.
- Teachers lock the door and turn off the lights.
- Teachers cover the window in the door
- Students stay in their seats (due to COVID restrictions).
- Students must remain silent.
- BRT team/school safety sweep the building.
In a soft lockdown, there is no imminent danger. In a hard lockdown, there is imminent danger and no sweep will be conducted.
Do not open the door until the "all clear" is announced.
Shelter In Procedures
The announcement will be made twice: “Attention, this is a shelter-In. Secure the exit doors.”
- All exterior doors are closed, locked, and monitored by staff.
- No one may enter or leave the building, including students, staff, and visitors.
- Students who are outside for whatever reason (such as lunch, or not yet arrived at school) will report to Union Settlement : 237 East 104th street, between 2nd and 3rd Avenues. (This building is directly behind Park East.)
- Inside the building, business will be conducted as usual. Classrooms remain open and students will continue to move within the building as scheduled.