College Office
The College Office at Park East is led by Siobhan Houlihan and supported by college bridge coach Tiffany Cevallos. The role of the Guidance/College Office is to help the students assess their academic skills and interests, in addition helping them develop personal/social, academic, and career goals to ensure students are well prepared to handle the challenges of college and adulthood. Counselors help students throughout the year by evaluating their academic performance and discussing various issues including: social and behavior problems, adjusting to high school, time management, study skills, career exploration, graduation requirements and college preparation. The Guidance/College Office is also a resource for students and parents.
Class of 2022 College Acceptances
About the College Process
Going through the college admission process can be overwhelming for students and families, as selecting a college is a major life decision. There is a lot of information out there; the college office aims to provide students with all the resources they need to find a college of their choice and successfully complete the college admission process. While the formal college process begins in junior year, the Park East curriculum embeds many activities throughout the four years that will help guide students through the process. For more details, please view these slides of the College Process Overview .
Past College Acceptances
Office Hours
Ms. Houlihan is available between 8:00 and 3:10 every school day. Please email her at to make an appointment.