Parent Info Hub
PTA Fundraising Challenge!
Resources for Parents
- Absence Procedure
- Family Income Inquiry Form ("lunch form")
- Parent Guide to Safety Plan
- State Accountability Designation 22-23
- FERPA Notification
- Parents' Bill of Rights for Data Privacy and Security
- Setting up a NYC Schools Account
- NYC Schools Account Guide (English)
- NYC Schools Account Guide (Spanish)
- Translation Resources (log in using your DOE account)
- Citywide Notification About Lead Testing
PTA Meeting Calendar
PTA Executive Board
Dawn Glover, Co-President
Sharon Butler, Co-President
Karen Sander, Co-Vice President of Events
Sheryl Silver, Co-Vice President of Fundraising
Meridith Lampert, Treasurer
Laurelle Daly, Secretary
PTA group email:
Parent Teacher Association
The PTA at work!
Stay in touch!
Are you receiving up-to-the-minute information from us? If not, please email and we will be sure to add you to our email distribution list. Include your name, your child's name and grade, and your phone number, and write PLEASE ADD ME TO YOUR EMAIL LIST in the subject line. We look forward to sharing our good news! This may include information like Zoom links that we can't share publicly on this website.
Parent Coordinator, Vickiana Ramirez
Parent Coordinator Vickiana Ramirez can be reached via email at or by phone at 864-810-0325. Ms. Ramirez, an employee of the NYC DOE, is responsible for encouraging parents to get involved and stay active in their children's education and school community. To create a welcoming school environment for parents and students, she identifies parent-related school/community issues and works closely with the administrative team and the principal to see they are addressed in a timely manner. She is an important point of contact for families of the school who can help you with many questions and issues.